Getting married and moving to Japan

I’m moving to Kobe, Japan next month after I get married to my fiance. I’ve spent quite a bit of time there and I absolutely love Kobe and my fiance’s family, who are very supportive, but am still extremely nervous about the move. I’m just posting to see if anyone has any advice on such a big move. I can speak enough Japanese to get around and have employment for the time being, so these things are not huge concerns for me, yet I will feel very nervous.

Are there anythings that anyone wish they had taken care of before they moved to Japan? Or any other tips to make things go more smoothly?

I am moving from America.

1 comment
  1. Open US bank accounts and investment accounts before you become non-resident in the US. After you become non-resident it becomes impossible to open US accounts, and eventually you will wish you had them. If it turns out you don’t need the accounts, you can always close them later. Lots of discussion about this over at r/JapanFinance.

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