What do Japanese people think of the Maldives?

(Throwaway here)As someone who plans on moving to Japan in the near future, I’m curious as to whether most Japanese people have even heard of the country. And apparently not a lot of Maldivians live there in the first place. There’s very little information on it online in English, and my Japanese isn’t yet advanced enough for me to go browse that side of the internet. Would this hinder my social life over there or will people not really care? How about employment prospects? (My native language is English)

EDIT: I’m dedicated on moving regardless but it’d be nice to receive some insight, if anyone has any!

1 comment
  1. I think most Japanese people – and indeed most people in the world – think of the Maldives as a sunny and pleasant holiday destination, but don’t have any strong opinions about Maldivians themselves. Your social life will not be affected in any real way, but I imagine some folks might be interested to hear about life there.

    As for your job prospects, the same considerations apply that any other foreigner would have – you want skilled experience in an in-demand field, you want to learn as much Japanese as you can (ideally at least to everyday fluency) and you need a bachelors degree. You’ll have a harder time finding work as an English teacher if that’s what you want to do, since you’re from an Asian country (compared to N. America, Aus/NZ/U.K., etc.). But for anything else, you just need to make yourself an attractive potential hire, and get a Japanese company to hire you.

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