Kanji can be read on-yomi, kun-yomi, and other readings. It’s very confusing, isn’t it?

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It is the same kanji, the reading changes depending on the idiom. I know it difficult to remember this.

I wondered if there was a way for the learners to enjoy learning. So, this time, with the topic of “日”, I made videos for each of the on-yomi, kun-yomi, and other readings, and gave classes.

If you like, I would be happy if you could take a look at it for reference and give me your opinion.

【EN/日本語】Kanji Idiom of 日 ☀Onyomi \[ニチ\] 毎日 日曜日 日本 日光 \[ジツ\] 平日 休日 Video Lesson ⇒[https://youtu.be/qx\_p\_l\_zIBs](https://youtu.be/qx_p_l_zIBs) Live stream Lesson ⇒[https://youtube.com/live/G69brD-kG6I](https://youtube.com/live/G69brD-kG6I)

【EN/日本語】Kanji Idiom of 日 ☀Kun-yomi \[ひ\] 日陰 日帰り 朝日 日々 \[か\] 三日 九日 Video Lesson ⇒[https://youtu.be/EjPxNYZZIxk](https://youtu.be/EjPxNYZZIxk) Live stream Lesson ⇒[https://youtube.com/live/MepwY2Tlngw](https://youtube.com/live/MepwY2Tlngw)

【EN/日本語】Kanji Idiom of 日 ☀ Special reading (jukuji-kun) 特殊な読み方(熟字訓)昨日(きのう・サクジツ)、一昨日(おととい・イッサクジツ) 今日(きょう・コンニチ)、明日(あした・あす・ミョウニチ) Video Lesson ⇒[https://youtu.be/YMVJxidY8cM](https://youtu.be/YMVJxidY8cM) Live stream Lesson ⇒[https://youtube.com/live/wiDH7we1vlA](https://youtube.com/live/wiDH7we1vlA)

I am a Japanese apprentice teacher. I am also trying my best to study English. In class, I use a whiteboard to have everyone write and take quizzes with Kahoot.

If you want, let’s have fun studying together! thank you for reading.

  1. If I ever learned Japanese from the start again (I am now fluent) I sometimes wonder if it would be better to forget about concentrating on the kanji readings and instead learn words and the kanji with them from the bening instead of studying kanji on their own, and you would just figure out in time. I am very old school, so started out with a kanji dictionary and learning all of the radicals from the beginning but in this day and age, there are so many apps and ways to look things up on the internet, it must really accelerate people’s ability to learn. I recommend the app Kanji Ninja (漢字忍者)for anyone learning kanji or need a brush up, it is a fantastic phone app, and I thin the best way to learn kanji now is to just follow the way they are taught in Japanese elementary and middle school, as you leanr simple Kanji that build up to others 口 + 千 = 舌 + 言 = 話 etc.

  2. I learned the way I did words in English, just associating the word with the reading and didn’t focus on dedicated kanji study and haven’t had too many issues using kanji.

    For me kanji meanings came over time by associating different words with certain kanji so maybe pointing out meanings by teaching words that use that kanji might work well instead of expecting the learner to study keywords (personally I found that boring and time consuming)

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