This rivalry actually got me into new Japan back in 2016

This rivalry actually got me into new Japan back in 2016

  1. It was wrestling highlights of Okada that got me to subscribe to New Japan World in January 2017

  2. There are two modern waves of new western fans for NJPW. This from 2012-2016 where this match sold a whole WK PPV in the early days before World.

    The second, the Omega is Cool era 2016-2019.

  3. Their history over almost a decade is amazing. I hope Tana gets the push back into the title scene he seems to want this year.

  4. AJ brought me back to Japanese wrestling, this feud, along with Shibata, Nakamura, Naito and Ibushi hooked me. Imo, this was the most important feud for me since Hogan and Andre.

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