What can I use alongside Wikikani to learn kanji

I am currently using wikikani but I heard that you should also use it alongside other resources, Does anyone know good resources!

  1. I assume you are referring to wanikani?

    I’d start mining vocabulary, with the kanji, from a source of material you are interested in. NHK news easy is a good source.

    Printed material like manga can be a struggle to sentence mine from in the beginning, especially if you can’t make out the small strokes.

    I also really like using Anki with an anime I love. I already know the full context of the story and the characters, so mining is much easier out of something like that. I use subtitles both Japanese and English, but keep awareness that sometimes the translations veer away from the original.

  2. I think the best complement to WK is to just read a lot to reinforce what you learn. Satori Reader can help with that.

  3. >What can I use alongside Wikikani to learn kanji

    WK is already a fairly heavyweight system for learning kanji. You do not want to supplement with even more kanji learning resources, but with the things that WK does *not* teach. First on your list should be something to learn grammar from, like the Genki textbooks.

    There are btw countless posts on the WaniKani forum about the additional resources recommended for WaniKani users, e.g.:




    and many more. You should probably sign up to that forum and take a look. The users there also made an excellent master list of pretty much all available additional resources in existence:


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