Anki users – any preference between the Core 2000 vs. the core 2.3k deck?

[Core 2000 deck](

[Core 2.3k deck Version 3](

I was wondering if anyone has compared these two decks and has thoughts on which is better? They have the same purpose but I believe their contents and arrangement are slightly different.

If it makes a difference, I’m also doing Wanikani which teaches vocabulary too, but the vocab in WK is meant to reinforce the kanji. So there are no non-kanji vocab words, and they are definitely not shown in order of their frequency. So a dedicated anki vocab deck *is* required, but it is supplemented a little by WK.

  1. I wondered this as well when starting out. I’d like to hear others opinions on the topic. I personally went with Core 2.3k and have found I am having good results with its content frequently appearing in my paired immersion.

  2. I did Core 2000 and was happy with it. Example sentences with audio were nice, images were pointless and I hid them, but I still wouldn’t have used them even if they were decent. Sorry I don’t have much more to add.

  3. [Core 2.3k]( is curated to be the ~2000 most common words based on VNs / narou LNs, so it will be better for helping people immerse sooner in native material than the original core 2k, which is based on newspapers from the 1990s. It also removes. It also gets rid of duplicate cards and the (mostly) easy katakana loan words, like it says in the description.

    I did the original core 2k/6k because core 2.3k did not exist at this time. I would never recommend the original core 2k over 2.3k now because there is no point to it imo. 2.3k is just better.

  4. It does not matter. After 1 year of mining words – mostly from reading light novels – I used JPDB to check my overlap with popular Anki decks (Core 2K, Core 2.3K, Tango N5+N4), to make sure I was not missing any common words. The outcome was > 95% overlap for each of those decks, meaning essentially every single word from all of those decks showed up in my first year of mining. They are beginner decks full of essential words.

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