Shipping Laptop to my home country

An update from my previous post, I wasn’t able to fix my laptop here so I’m obligated to send it back to my home country (Mexico) to get it fixed there.

I called DHL and FedEx but some of their answers weren’t quite clear. Maybe someone here can help me:

1) They asked me if my battery was “A battery or a Cell”. I got confused since my laptop’s battery is made up from 4 cells. This point is important because DHL told me they don’t ship cells that are 20 Wh> and my laptop’s battery is 47.7 Wh so… is it a battery then?

2) About packaging. Is there an special way of packing these type of electronics or do I just rubber-wrap/put peanuts on the box? Also, if the company doesn’t provide the packaging material is there a place to buy (in Tokyo) them?. Amazon seems to sell 70+ packaging boxes hahaha.

I think that’s all. It has been pretty convoluted for me so hopefully I can get better answers here.

Thanks in advance

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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  2. Is it really worth the shipping costs plus the time it will take? Also why not just remove the battery?

  3. >They asked me if my battery was “A battery or a Cell”. I got confused since my laptop’s battery is made up from 4 cells. This point is important because DHL told me they don’t ship cells that are 20 Wh> and my laptop’s battery is 47.7 Wh so… is it a battery then?

    If DHL said that they don’t ship cells that are >20Wh, then you are safe, becaue your battery is 4-cell with 47.7Wh, so that’s 11.925Wh/cell.

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