Can you join the Japanese self-defense force as a dual citizen t(to US+Japan) when you are 18?

Can you join the Japanese self-defense force as a dual citizen t(to US+Japan) when you are 18?

  1. I’m no authority. Looks like 18 + citizenship are your requirements on paper. Gotta say, though, (1) if you’re asking in English, are you also researching in Japanese, because I seriously doubt you’d get far without fluency; and (2) you’re talking about dual-citizenship and national defense like this is likely compatible, when Japan already does not recognize adult dual-citizenship as a thing, and I’d think national defense pretty much demands fealty.

  2. I’d imagine that would be one of the rare instances where they’d ask proof of renunciation of your US citizenship, along with becoming a civil servant, holding elected office and representing Japan as an athlete.

  3. I’m struggling to see the benefit of joining the JSDF over the US Military. Virtually every benefit is better in the US military over that of the Japanese.

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