Moving to Japan with a METI internship

So I’ve been selected for the METI internship program, the internship lasts anywhere between 1 – 6 months. I’m planning to move around late May or early June.

1. I want to know if there is anyone who has/had moved there for the same internship. If yes, can you give me some insight on what it’s like? I’m going to be an embedded s.w engineering intern.
2. I’m planning to settle there once I complete my internship, the company said that they will consider making me a permanent employee if I perform well enough. Is settling there a good idea? (I’m from Sri Lanka and I see no future in my country, the economy is collapsing and we’re all broke af)
3. I am yet to complete my (s.w engineering) degree and I’m planning to study online while in Japan, will it be too stressful with my work? Or should I save up and consider resuming after I’m made permanent?
4. What are the first things I should spend on when I move? What should I carry there with me?
5. I’m aware that there are a lot of rules and I can easily offend people if I don’t use the right honorifics.. I shy away from speaking Japanese because of this reason, I haven’t done JLPTs or anything, I learnt all my Japanese from 15 years of anime and manga. I am quite fluent, but I’m always anxious that I might offend someone by talking too casually. Are Japanese offended easily, and how do I work on this?

My future (Japanese and foreign) coworkers have already contacted me, they’re very friendly and told me that I will get used to the language within a month or so, and that my Japanese will improve with time, but I’m still extremely scared.

That’s all I wanted to ask for now, please help me out, I’m still in college, I’m broke and I have no idea what to do :’) . Thank you!!

1 comment
  1. I don’t have answers for all your questions, but:

    > Is settling there a good idea?

    Sure! Japan’s a nice place to live, for the most part, and software is a pretty healthy industry with good opportunities out there.

    > I am yet to complete my (s.w engineering) degree and I’m planning to study online while in Japan, will it be too stressful with my work?

    It’s hard to know really, it depends on what your workload is like and what your appetite for work is. Some people manage much better than others. What I will say is that getting your degree is quite essential for being able to remain in Japan as a foreign worker.

    > I’m aware that there are a lot of rules and I can easily offend people if I don’t use the right honorifics.. I shy away from speaking Japanese because of this reason, I haven’t done JLPTs or anything, I learnt all my Japanese from 15 years of anime and manga. I am quite fluent, but I’m always anxious that I might offend someone by talking too casually. Are Japanese offended easily, and how do I work on this?

    You don’t have to worry about this at all. Japanese people will most likely appreciate your ability to speak the language at all, let alone any attempts to use proper honorifics. If in doubt, です/ます form is basically always fine. Don’t sweat it at all!

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