The difference between dango and dogs

I was watching a j-drama and one of the characters was lamenting how her husband “doesn’t know the difference between dango and dogs” (I think I caught this: “団子と犬と違いをわからない”)

Is there a joke here about some kind of relationship between these two nouns that I’m totally missing?

  1. I’m going to guess there’s something preceding this phrase that would explain a lot about the phrase in question.
    Or maybe みたらし団子/柴犬, but that’s kinda lame. 食パン looks a lot more like it anyways.

  2. Ok, with my google-fu I was able to find the drama, episode, and time of this. (Please correct me if I am wrong)

    信長協奏曲 Episode 6 11:59~12:30

    >帰蝶: あれは何色じゃ?
    信長: 赤。
    帰蝶: これは?
    信長: 黄色。
    帰蝶: 色はしかと映っているようじゃな。では何故このような品のない色の着物を買ってきた!?
    信長: えー?めっちゃカワイイじゃん。
    帰蝶: かわいくない!
    信長: そんな言い方すんなよ。せっかく京都で買ってきたんだからさ。
    帰蝶: **お主のような団子と犬の違いも分からぬような男に使いを頼んだわらわがバカだった。**
    信長: さすがにその違いは分かるよ?食べられるか食べられないかだよね?
    帰蝶: ハァー。 わらわは淡い色のものを買ってこいと申したのに!

    Considering that it is a 時代劇, maybe it was a thing back then, but probably anything that would show how dumb Nobunaga was for buying a different kimono color would suffice.
    Also the 食べられる・食べられない line was supposed to be a joke (it even had a special sound effect) but imo it’s not that funny.

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