Is N1 in 6-12 months possible?

Hi guys, so I’m just starting my study for JLPT N1 and my resources are mostly 新完全マスタ.

I started learning Japanese in May 2020 and was able to Pass N2 with score of 148 in December 2021. I only used books and YT videos to learn.

Now I’m working around Japanese people and I get to speak and listen to them everyday, but since it is my first experience being with natives, I completely forgot most of the things I learned when speaking.

I actually have no deep interest in Japanese language per say, it’s just that the salary is really good in my country if you know the language.

Now I’m aiming for N1, and I wanna know if the time frame is realistic in order to pass. I’m working most days and am only able to learn prolly 30 mins – 1 hour everyday. Although right now I do think working with Japanese people kinda helps in my listening and also reading a lot.

I think I want to start reading Japanese stuff that is not just JLPT books. Any fun books that is not anime you guys can recommend?

I have personal reasons why I want to pass in this timeframe, just wondering if it is actually reasonable so I don’t waste time 😂. What do you guys think?

  1. I mean just grind vocab for 6 months and you’d probably pass. At least you have to focus on the test taking stuff, but an N1 pass is a pass no matter high (or low) of a score you get. Chances are you could squeak by now, but why leave it to chance.

  2. Bro read Jazzy’s post on this sub, it’s one of the top ones I think. He did N1 in ~8 months

  3. I failed the N1 the first time I took it, so I dropped down and took the N2, and got 180/180 on that. The gap between the two levels is pretty big.

    Aside from the fact that I hadn’t really touched Japanese for ~4 years when I took the test, what really kicked my ass was that all I ever did in Japanese was read novels and chat with a tutor. I can read contemporary fiction without a dictionary and get through conversations without any problem, but that’s not really what the JLPT tests you for:

    * The JLPT reading sections are mostly newspaper editorials/persuasive essays; the writing style is just really different than what you see in fiction. Pretty descriptions of scenery doesn’t really translate to concisely making points in an argument.
    * The listening isn’t so much *can you follow this conversation* as much as *here’s a list of 30 things and oh by the way what color was that guy’s shoes?* … it felt more like a test of my ability to quickly memorize information than it was to “comprehend” the dialogue.

    I was sort of over Japanese by that point, so my solution was just to go through a listening/reading comprehension book. I also memorized ~1,000 N1 vocab words over the course of a year. Those two things took ~15 minutes per day, and it was enough to let me pass.

  4. Yes 8 think that it is possible, and i was also wondering , what magerials did you use to get to no in 1 year?

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