What would you do?

Just a bit of context:

i have been working at an eikawa for a little over 5 years now.

Started with 1600yen/hour on a semi full time contract(pension/health insurance not paid, only commute).

Got a raise of +50yen/hour somewhere around 2019.

I decided to change my contract to ITAKU in 2022 and he increased my wage to 1860yen/hour(employers are suppose to raise it if you change to ITAKU)but it barely cover the commute expense(i have to pay by myself) so I don’t really consider that a raise.

I have quite good ratio of request lessons and students like me i have almost 100% good feedbacks from them.

I sent a letter stating the reason why I want to have a raise of 9% which would bring it up to about 2,045yen/hour(the highest paid ITAKU is 2,400yen/hour)but he declined and countered the raise to 1900yen/hour. Which is under 4%, the inflation of Japan at this moment.

The owner is the kind of person who doesn’t know the environment of the actual workplace since the manager takes care of everything.

My contract is expiring in about 2/3 weeks.
What would you do in my place?

All replies, positive or negative will be appreciated.

Thank you.

  1. Unfortunately no, only teaching english and french.

    I heard kindergarden is not so bad? Or after school care?

  2. It’s not bad pay tbh. I’d say take the 4% while you look for better opportunities outside eikaiwa.

  3. Listen to yourself, you are the one who can tell if you have the chance to find and get a much better than your current job.

    For me,if I think I cannot find a much suitable and better paying job as I currently have then I will not risk it and just take that little salary increase especially at the current time where everything gets more expensive.

    But this is only putting money into consideration. Work environment is another thing and only you can evaluate it for yourself since every person’s experience differs from one another.

    So its better to try to scale the pros and cons by yourself. As only you are the one who can tell how stable your current life are with your current job.

  4. Thanks everybody I appreciate all your replies.
    I will take the little raise and look for another job。

  5. Save the contacts of your current students and do some private lessons for them while you figure it out!

  6. Could you put your best life is so expensive with inflation and so on … and see if they could top the raise with helping you pay for your transportation ?

    I know people on independant contract which got transportation paid, so I think company can deduce it, so worth giving it a try. But do not push too hard if you need to secure the job.

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