UK to Japanese Licence Conversion 3 Month Proof

Went to the driving centre yesterday and was able to complete my car licence conversion.

I was declined my motorbike conversion as I only had 2 months and a weeks worth of evidence to prove I was in the UK. (you need to prove you were in the country you got your licence for 3 months or more after passing your test).

There is 4 month gap from when I passed my test and when I arrived in Japan. I was in the UK the whole time. I was able to prove the 2 months and a week by providing pay slips and contract of a job I had for that time.

Does anyone have any advice on how else I can prove I was in the UK for the other 3 weeks? I’ve checked my tax income history and as I didn’t have a job outside of those 2 months and a week there’s nothing on there.

Really stumped on how to prove it, and would not like to shell out a bunch of money to take the test again.

Any advice would be so appreciated!

  1. You needs some fantasy 🙂

    In my case I proved with my electricity bill, in the case of my wife she brought the pregnancy medical check reports 😀

  2. Would this help?

    [Gov.UK: Request personal information held in the borders, immigration and citizenship system](

    *You can request a copy of:*

    …*Entry and exit into and out of the UK. Your travel history can be provided for the past 5 years if a passport or travel document is submitted for this period*


    Also, the 3 month period is cumulative. So, if you only have 2 months and 1 week now, you just have to spend another 3 (or more) weeks in the UK, and you can convert it after that.

  3. Rent payment receipts, utility bills (some providers let you print off historic ones), anything like that that shows you were maintaining a residence in the UK in that time?

  4. Does the UK have it where you can print off your driving history? I had mine printed off to show the original date of my issued license

  5. I was first denied my driver’s license conversion since it was only 81 days between me passing and coming to Japan according to my passport. So I just had to wait until I could go back for more than 9 days, then I went back to the driving center and asked them to tally up the total using the dates in my passport. So if your passport doesn’t show you leaving I don’t think you are obligated to prove that you stayed. Your passport is the only proof that should be needed. At least it was on my case.

  6. I got an old university professor to write a letter and send a copy of my transcript from when I graduated.

    A friend was able to prove it by producing documentation he had from speeding fines in the UK!

  7. When I converted my UK licence, I only needed to show the old passport that was valid for those three months. It had expired well before coming to Japan. I think they did a quick check of visa stamps and that was it.

    One eye check later and I was spending the rest of the afternoon at the Futamatagawa driver centre coffee shop waiting for the converters to finished their lectures.

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