May 2023 Itinerary Check (Tokyo->Matsumoto->Kyoto->Hakone(?)->Tokyo)

Second attempt on this. It’s my first time going to Japan and wanted to get as much feedback as I can on my schedule and if I should substitute anything. I may have too much to do on a given day but I usual try to push forward and get as much in as I can (this may be my only trip to Japan). I’m hoping to use luggage forwarding where I can (Haven’t had luck with finding out how to do that for Matsumoto). I’d be thrilled with any thoughts/input (especially more things to do and restaurants).

For some reason, I’ve seen some negative stuff on Hakone lately and don’t know if I should go to the 5 lakes region or maybe stay in Kyoto longer and do side trips.

**May 16, 2023**
Flight leaves to Japan

**May 17, 2023**
Arrival at 1:45 pm
Sumo tournament (if timing works)

**May 18, 2023**
Tokyo National Museum/Other nearby museums
Tokyo Skytree

**May 19, 2023**
Yamatane Museum
Nezu Museum
Shinjuku gyoen national garden
Ota Memorial Museum of Art
Meiji Shrine

**May 20, 2023**
Imperial Palace
Giants game
Sumida Hokusai Museum

**May 21, 2023**
Toyosu Market
Tokyo Tower

**May 22, 2023**
Train to Matsumoto
Matsumoto Castle
Ukiyo-e Museum

**May 23, 2023**
Hiking in Chubusangaku National Park

**May 24, 2023**
Hiking in Chubusangaku National Park

**May 25, 2023**
Train to Kyoto
Nijo Castle
Nishiki Market
Tea Ceremony in Gion

**May 26, 2023**
Fushimi Inari Shrine
Maruyama Park
Philsopher’s Path

**May 27, 2023**
Kurama to Kibune hike
Kinkajuki temple
Arashiyama Forest
Samurai Museum

**May 28, 2023**
Train to Hakone (Alternatly to 5 Lakes Area)
Open Air Museum
Staying at a Ryokan with an onsen

**May 29, 2023**
Hakone Loop with Chisuji falls hike after boat

**May 30, 2023**
Mt. Kintoki Hike
Mt. Myojingatake (side trip if time permits)

**May 31, 2023**
Train to Tokyo
Anything I was unable to do during first four days here
from itinerary above

**June 1, 2023**
Anything I was unable to do during first four days here
from itinerary above
Or add an extra day to any site above

**June 2, 2023**
Flight back to USA

  1. > May 17, 2023

    Trying to make it to a sumo tournament as soon as you land seems highly unlikely. You need to take into account getting through immigration and customs. Also need to get into central Tokyo.

    > May 25, 2023

    Seems like a lot to do in addition to a train from somewhere in the Japanese Alps.

  2. On Hakone, I think in general the mistake people make is not allocating enough time there as it takes a while to get from Odawara to actual Hakone but looks like you’ve given it enough time. As with a lot of onsen towns/resorts attractions tend to only be accessible during the day and transport stops early as most people are either there for a day trip or heading back to a Ryokan for the evening.
    For the Matsumoto luggage forwarding if you’re staying at a hotel, contact them to see if they offer it, some hotels even have blank forms in the room as it’s so common.

  3. My comments on Matsumoto…

    – Ukiyo-e Museum: whilst there was a fair amount of reproduction artwork in there…that was kinda it. There wasn’t much else and it’s easily done in 30 minutes. As it’s a bit out of the way I wouldn’t recommend making a specific effort to go there and would recommend the Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo if you want to see similar stuff but also get a bit more history around Ukiyo-e

    – I’d recommend the city museum that’s next to the castle as that had a lot of interesting local information

    – I’d also recommend a look along Frog Street – Nawate Dori. Traditional style shops and restaurants

    – Restaurants/Bars in Matsumoto – if you’re into beer then Matsumoto Brewery is worth a look, either at the brewery itself or they have a tap room in the Shinmai Media Garden shopping centre. As for food, I went to a great sushi place last time that I’m looking to visit again when I go in a couple of weeks! A great traditional “shop” ran by a family, the daughter spoke really good English…

    +81 263-32-4313

    I went to Matsumoto back in 2019 and am visiting again towards the end of this month, really enjoyed it last time as it offered something quite different to the big cities.

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