Crimes in Japan rise in 2022 for first time in 20 years

Crimes in Japan rise in 2022 for first time in 20 years

  1. Be careful, when media (or politicians) talk about how crime is rising (or decreasing), they are usually talking about crimes that are recorded by the police. Which sounds like a minor difference but it’s not.

    Those numbers measure the police activity, and police activity can vary for reasons that have nothing to do with actual crime.

    For example politicians can set quotas to meet, pushing the police to be more active. On the contrary they are sometimes asked to get lower numbers and that can be done by discouraging victims to file a complain.

    Another recent example, there has been a global push against domestic violence (#metoo) meaning more victims file a complain. That makes it look like domestic violence is on the rise when in reality it was mostly hidden until now.

    Oh by the way this example is in the article: “Consultations on domestic violence and suspected child abuse cases both hit all-time highs”. So did Japanese men suddenly started to beat their wifes and kids? Or is it no longer accepted as “normal” and leading to more recorded complains?

  2. They let in too many foreigners. I don’t want Japan to become the next Western Europe.

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