New job & immigration question 🫥🤯

First post on Reddit and it’s probably been asked before, apologies if it has!

I’m moving to Kansai, from Tokyo, in March. New job, yay!

With my current job I have been working here for 4 years, but was given a direct contract in April 2022.
Long story short-I had enough of the job and decided to leave…BUT, I didn’t realize that I had to inform immigration that I changed contract (something about informing the immigration office in 14 days after leaving a job) ! Oh no… it’s my own fault, I know!

So, I’m moving next month and will go to the Osaka immigration office with this information for immigration but will they say/do anything about me not informing them about my job change in 2022? It was the same job, teaching, and didn’t require me changing visa status, I just stupidly didn’t know that I had to inform them of this one change…! 🙁 darn

Anyway, thanks for reading and have a good day 😊

  1. You must notify immigration if you change employer, not when you change contracts with the same employer.

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