Dumb question re toilet/sink combo, can I use hand soap without breaking the toilet eventually?

I have a vague memory of someone saying that hand soap causes calcification in the tank and eventually breaks the toilet….

  1. For long life of the toilet the answer is no. I do wonder though if there is a nonstandard soap that would be ok.

  2. if you can’t use soap, it’s a fuckin useless shitty sink. it’s basically encouraging people to wash their hands wrong lol

    not to mention that the faucet is often so low, that you’re bumping your hands into toilet-germy basin and faucet…

  3. Of all the japanese houses Ive been to and Japanese people Ive know, none of them use that for actually washing hands even when installed. Yeah its there, but pretty much everyone Ive talked to find it too gross to use to wash hands

  4. I don’t really use the sink..if I do I’ll rinse my hands then go into the bathroom and wash them like normal. Most Japanese don’t tend to use soap after using the toilet (from what I’ve seen 🥸) so I don’t think it was ever designed to put soap in it in the first place

  5. Not a dumb question. I dont believe ive seen soap used there and not sure if its good for the inside of the tank. Definitely will have little residue remaining so would need to be cleaned after a while. I recommend brushing your hands of with the water and then use soap and water at the bathroom sink for proper wash.

  6. Your blood type determines whether or not your hand soap destroys your toilet.

  7. I use it with soap. By the time it degrades, it’s probably time to replace it anyway. I do not want to touch the door knob with an unwashed hand.

  8. Moved into first apartment with one of those last year so I never knew about this. Will make plans to move to a place without one in 1-3 years before the toilet breaks then. Still feels weird having to wash hands and brush teeth using the kitchen sink though.

  9. Ours is actually designed for hand washing, it’s basically a tankless toilet with a fake tank on top.

  10. I’ve never seen anyone actually use that sink. It’s just a place to stick the ブルーレット

  11. Even if you do wash your hands you have to then touch the poopy/ballsweaty door handle to get out again….. double ewww

  12. This is the Reiwa Era, we hold our poop in now until the next one. You should have received the official leaflet by now.

  13. I heard it’s not good for the toilet. This is my golden rule:

    Pee: wash hands with the tank water

    Poo: wash hands with tank water, then soap in another sink

  14. I never used that thing. Always walked next door to the bathroom even though I lived alone…

    Current place actually has a separate sink next to the toilet. This time I /can’t/ use that one as my hands are far too big for it. It’s apparently for ants.

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