“Not a good match”: Almost one in three Japanese graduates quit first job within three years

“Not a good match”: Almost one in three Japanese graduates quit first job within three years


  1. I think this is the real crux to the crisies facing Japan. I actually thought the percentage would be higher.

  2. These results are interesting in contrast to [a survey of new graduates in Japan](https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000808.000013485.html) at the end of 2021. It found that only 5% want to work at their first company for three years or less. About 20% want to stay for 3-5 years, a further 20% want to stay for 5-10 years, and nearly 40% want to stay at the same company from graduation all the way to retirement.

  3. No problem I can see. The graduates KNOW it’s a worker’s market.

    They’re not gonna put up with the bullshit their parents did.

  4. I wonder if the companies get the message or just think that the youth nowadays are too weak and lazy.

  5. In my company it’s in less than 2 years mostly because competitors are willing to pay for untrained people with a year of experience.

    That’s the game but it makes people less willing to train freshmen because they will leave.

  6. Also, more and more people leaving traditional Japanese companies for Gaishikei.

    No one who joined with me at JP company H in 2012 is working there anymore, all of them now in Gaishikei or left the country. 98% Japanese 2% Gaijin.

    About 45 people I think

  7. lets not address how shitty corporate work is. Just blame the job seekers. Scum.

  8. Is this not the usual these days though?

    Like I dunno… my first job was as a teacher at a correctional school. It paid well for my first job outta uni but I quit after a year as I got sick of being insulted & assaulted by little brats who I was trying to help (they were violent as fuck for no reason and I copped a few really nasty dog shots).

    Bad fit? I dunno! It paid me enough that I was able to bank the change and use it to move to Japan. Also, my principal said I was welcome back any time as I was an awesome cultural fit. I gave it a good shot, finished a masters degree, saved up money to go to Japan and left. Why should the standard of ‘success’ and a ‘good fit’ be when people stay around forever?

    After many twists (various teaching, IT gigs, government jobs…etc) I re-trained. I have now been a lawyer for roughly a decade and have found enjoyment/stability in it. Noting, I STILL change jobs every few years when something interesting pops up or I’m seeking a new challenge. TBH bosses would think something’s wrong with me if I wasn’t able to move around and identify opportunities like that.

    Should I have studied law outta high school? SHIT NO!!! I wouldn’t have been accepted into law school for starters (grades were too shit and I spent most of my time playing sports/socialising). Things change though. IMO multiple careers is a GOOD thing! Particularly early on when you’re not married with kids & tied to a mortgage (that’s when you can start staying in a job long-term, purely for the money).

    I personally see it as a positive that Japanese youngsters are saying ‘fuuuuck this salary man bullshit… if I don’t love the job then I can totally quit and find something else’. Whereas in years gone by they’d be like ‘fuck I NEED this job… can’t quit although I’m thinking about jumping out of my 10th storey window all day because it would bring shame to me and my family’.

  9. So they’re on-par with people the same age in other countries. I’m a Millennial and I’ve had four careers. Most people I know only stay at one job around three years.

    Pension? Permanence? Benefits? Home ownership? Retirement? These are things of the past. It’s just the reality of life now.

  10. I took the job promising myself I would find a better position in one year. I knew from my final interview that it wasn’t gonna be a good match, and I was proven right within my first day.

    Around the time I was ready to put in my resignation, another coworker who started with me put in her notice first. They grilled and interrogated her for hours, shaming her for quitting so early and wanting to know where she was going.

    I couldn’t deal with that so I just told them I was going back to America to get married and become a house wife and start a family. They congratulated me and happily wished me luck, assuring I’d make beautiful babies.

  11. Seems reasonable. 3 years is quite a good time to begin looking elsewhere if you’re not where you’re at. Even earlier.

  12. Japan’s missile force on Ishigaki Island is willing to be the lackey of the United States deployed in Asia.

  13. This isn’t that big of a deal to me, I had 3 different jobs with in 3 years after I graduated. I do something I didn’t study in school and am successful….so what…

  14. I’m student in Japan and I’m scared. Should I move to other country so that I can have better job?

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