Halfway through learning the Kana & ISO of insight/advice

So I’ve started learning the Katakana and to say it’s been *interesting* would be an understatement. I found it easier for me to learn the Hiragana, but I’m definitely finding it more challenging with the Katakana. A lot of the Katakana seem to look *very* similar to each other, and it’s hard to keep them all sorted in my head.

Like, is it just me, or is Katakana objectively more difficult to learn than Hiragana?

I started this as a half-way humorous venting post, but I might as well ask the hive mind for help!

Does anyone here have any tips, tricks, or insight on how you maybe made it easier learning Katakana? For context, I use flash cards, Duolingo (mainly the “alphabet” section that’s not part of the tree), and a writing practice workbook.

I’m totally open to suggestions!


PS: Note to the mods that I reviewed the rules before posting this, and I made my post as specific as I could so it wasn’t considered generic or low-effort.

  1. I had trouble with shi/n/tsu/so シンツソ but I realized that the longer sounds mean more “eyes” and the ones to the right more are in “shin” like a soccer player making a slide tackle with shin guards in

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