Kota Ibushi leaves New Japan Pro-Wrestling | NEW JAPAN PRO-WRESTLING

Kota Ibushi leaves New Japan Pro-Wrestling | NEW JAPAN PRO-WRESTLING

  1. Beat me to it by half a minute lol.

    I’m really surprised that they actually acknowledged him leaving. I thought they’d just quietly let his contract expire and never mention him again with all that happened.

  2. Well shit. Just got into NJPW last year and never got to see him in a live match. Was hoping that’d be this year when he returned.

  3. Was hoping he’d still do appearances with the company, but that was likely never in the cards considering everything.

  4. Wish him all the best, hope he’s happier floating around especially after spending the better part of the last two years fighting injuries and illness on top of the incident with his mother

  5. Such a shame his last New Japan match for the foreseeable future ended the way it did.

  6. Knew it was coming, still very bummed about it happening.

    Shingo, I guess you’re up as my new guy!

  7. So where does he go now. AEW has a pretty good relationship with New Japan so unless they patch things up behind the scenes in the last year and a half after Ibushi’s rant idk what he does

  8. Well that sucks

    But I am looking forward to seeing more random clips of Ibushi diving off a balcony or something

  9. It’s a big loss, especially if they do lose Jay as well. That’s a VERY recent WK main event to have neither guy in the company.

  10. It’s a miracle they got Ibushi to sign. Dude is very much an artist type and never cared about money. He goes to wrestle cuz lhe oves it. And how NJPW allowed him to do so much before he was legit contracted was amazing.

    And even when he was legit NJPW, they gave him the big belt. To Ibushi. He never felt like the face of a big promotion cuz Ibushi is Ibushi. He treats wrestling like an art, and he’s an artist that wants to do art. Good or bad. He’s amazing but he does weird stuff too. Fuck it. Let’s see Yoshihiko vs. Ibushi again.

  11. Kota was a good maineventer and will be missed. Njpw has shown great resilience at replacing talent. It’s still a massive shame how it all went down and I hope lessons are learned

  12. Well at the very least, I hope he gets to continue his road as a freelance legend. Hope his injuries don’t / haven’t cost him too much, and who knows, maybe we could still see him make a reappearance at New Japan one day.

    Either way, the guy clearly deserves a good run however he wants it right now with the shit he’s had to deal with. Hopefully he rocks it wherever he shows up.

  13. Disappointing that the company tried to soothe things over, take steps to resolve any conflict, removed the staff member who was the source of the problem, never bad mouthed him despite the horrible accusations made by Kota, took care of him during a pandemic, and offered for him to be involved in shaping changes to make things better for all talent behind the scenes and after all that he just went full Lebron.

  14. Dude had the world gifted to him, and he still cries “it’s not good enough”

    Wrestling Joey Janela in Poughkeepsie is a far cry from Ospreay, Shingo, and Okada

  15. It’s also a shame he missed Muto’s retirement tour. It would’ve been cool to have him involved in some manner.

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