Stressful Visa Extension Situation…

Hello, so I don’t have much time left on my visa so I want to get it processed as soon as possible. I need to stay here for medical and dental reasons longer than I had anticipated. I do not have insurance in the US so I really need to do whatever I can right now to get the visa.

Unfortunately, I made the mistake of asking my current employer a week ago if the company can help renew my visa but I’ve only received vague answers from HR (i.e. we’ll work on it) as to whether they can give me the correct documents. Apparently the CEO doesn’t even know where some of the documents are because of outsourcing? And I just asked my manager whether she heard from the CEO and she was basically like “I didn’t want to message him today because it was his birthday but… daijoubu deshou “. I feel very unsettled. I was supposed to find out by the beginning of this week whether they could get the documents but no clear answer yet.

(To be fair they’ve never sponsored a foreigner before so I can understand why it’s not going to be a fast process but I really regret asking them for help.)

Meanwhile, I got a job offer at another company who is ready to support my visa extension. I feel like if I tell my current manager I don’t need their help anymore she is going to literally smack me or something. Or lecture me about how I’m so selfish and causing problems to the company …and most likely verbally abuse me. I can see how my actions would offend the company and I feel sorry for abandoning everyone but I feel like I have no choice.

Also, another problem: I’m scheduled to work until the rest of this month. If I start the renewal process would I still be able to work at my current job? I’m extending my visa and the work content is the same (hotel front), except that I’m changing companies…

I’m planning on calling immigration again tomorrow before work to clarify… if I can’t work while my visa is renewing I’m not sure what I should do.. I feel like they could sue me if I gave a two weeks notice especially since they’re so short staffed right now. If I leave I want to at least finish my last month…\\

Any advice would be appreciated.. I have not been sleeping at all lately.

  1. This is a lot to unpack but let me answer what I know for sure:

    1) You can work while you’re renewing.

    2) If you get your application in, your zairyu card will have a stamp on the back that says it’s in the process of getting renewed. I believe you technically have 3 months after the expiry date or until you get your visa renewed. I don’t know what happens if you get your visa rejected in that time, but it’s definitely better than staying illegally.

    3) If you can get your new application with this probably better job as the sponsor, it would probably be best. If the timing is difficult, you don’t necessarily need your current job to renew your visa, you can renew for a few months with proof that you’re job hunting. It’s pretty inconvenient, but it’s another legal option.

    Finally, start preparing your application now. A large portion of it is your own responsibility. The job sponsoring it is crucial, but tax records, and other information is handled by you.

    Also, your company sounds fairly shady. You should keep all records of emails, all records of you eventually quitting, (electronically in addition to physically handing the papers, CC with other emails, etc.) To escape that shitty job with your rights on your side. If your boss tells you definitely illegal things, keep in mind you can record conversations legally in Japan, as long as at least on person in the room is aware there is a listening device.

  2. You can work while your visa is being renewed so there are no issues there (as long as the visa is the same visa of course). You can literally renew on the day it expires and be perfectly fine and work, though I can understand why its stressful.

    It totally depends on when your visa needs to be renewed with what your company is doing. If it is in three months, you are fine and probably overreacting a bit. It’s like a few small forms they have to fill out and show your contract, very easy stuff on their side. I don’t know what missing documents they might have, but maybe just point out to them what needs to be filled out and have it prepared if it’s stressing you out this much.

    On the other hand, if it’s due to be renewed like next week, fuck ’em and go with this other job.

    Also, your current job can sue you, but won’t for leaving in two weeks, it would cost too much to do so and I have never seen any company even try and go through with it. They’re just harassing you to stay there. In the moment it seems stressful, but after personally coming out of the other side of it, I can’t help but laugh at what were their pitiful attempts and keeping me there. You have another job lined up, you have the leverage, and you don’t need them.

  3. I didn’t read all of your text.

    It’s very simple though, it’s your responsibility to renew.

    1. Go to the ISA site and get the list of documents required, there should only be a couple.
    1. Tell your employer to give you the documents required from them. They are obligated to do this, they do not have a choice, regardless of whatever bollocks they say.
    1. Book time to submit the renewal application.

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