Shady guys in my office rented Leopalace apartment

Was coming back to my apartment where me and other two of my mates all foreigners live, saw 4 japanese men get out of car and I heard sth in the lines of ‘theres three rooms’, as I try to enter my apartment one of the guy strikes convo saying
‘ikemen ne blabla’ obvious trying to strike convo, and says along the lines of what work do you do and how many foreigners are there, stupid of me to say but I told theres me and two of my mates and we live in this- this room. I asked what is it and he says its for some アンケート( survey), they had name tags with red neck strap. After that he said to his buddy they live in room number this to this. Been super paranoid ever since, is this something I need to be concerned about??
Also screw Leo-palace, I hate how theres no freaking privacy whatsoever, everyone would just give out info on some gaijins.

I haven’t even done anything for 3 months expect go to work and come to my place and sleep, and same goes with my mates.

  1. So you told some strangers where you and your friends live and somehow it’s Leo Palace’s fault that you did that?

  2. *”no freaking privacy whatsoever…”*

    Sorry to break it to you buddy… but you’re a foreigner living in a 98% something monocultural society.

    Unless you look east Asian and can be a “StealthGaijin” … we’re all a visible minority… aka… you stand out like dogs balls.

    Don’t try to be that people pleaser timid gaijin… you’re allowed to say no if you’re uncomfortable.
    Or do the old classic “cross arms/batsu” sign if your language is not yet up to snuff.
    Or simply just ignore them, pretend they aren’t even there or fake not to hear etc.

  3. Japanese guys renting apartments in Japan is extremely suspicious. You should be very cautious. BTW, ikemen means handsome man, so maybe they’re scouting for models.

  4. Sounds like they worked for leopalace or something and were making sure you didn’t have too many people for the room you’re renting? Honestly I didn’t even know leopalace had places big enough for 3 people, I thought they were all 1k/studios lol but apparently they do have bigger ones. So I’m assuming the “there’s 3 rooms” comment was how many rooms you have and maybe they got reports of too many people living there or it being noisy?

  5. Leo Palace is hella ghetto. Same with UR. I lived in two LP complexes before, back when I was young and didn’t know better. It was all kyabajos and gambling addicts who had chinpiras banging on their doors at 3AM demanding money.

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