I’m sure I am reading too much into this but I need a second opinion.

Started to talk with someone (japanese) on Hello Talk app. Asked in japanese “…遊びたい?” I just took it as want to hang out. But then in a later message in not perfect but goodish English they say, “I have never had a meal with a foreigner, nor have I played around with them. I want to experience it once.” Is it silly to think they want a hook-up? Is 遊ぶ used in that way? It’s really the “I want to experience it once.” That tipped off my senses.

  1. They may well want to hook up. It is possible.

    Japanese do use the word that way…but of course….its not clearly being used that way in this case so you need more evidence.

  2. There is no way to tell until you meet them in person. If you want odds, this particular misunderstanding is probably innocent. The Japanese playing encompasses what you would call hanging out with friends.

    Watch out who you befriend on these services. It’s a quick trip from “hey, let’s have coffee” to “let’s go pray at my nuts cult.” Don’t share your address etc. and have an escape plan if this encounter turns weird.

  3. Hello Talk is to hook up. If you really wanna stick to “language exchange”, stick to people with same sex as you.

    I’ve seen poor 18 yo girls brought to bars by some old creeps they met on Hello Talk.

    They were too young and too dumb and genuinely believed they invited her just for practicing English.

  4. How old is the person you’re speaking to? Depending on the age, they may think hang out or hook up and can go both ways. Might want to clarify beforehand or during your lunch date to avoid pressure / expectations on both parties.

  5. Remember kids…

    The profiles that say❌NO ROMANCE❌ are the horniest ones for sure.

    And make sure you take some good front/side/closeup selfies of yourself and divulge all your personal information on the app so they can be submitted to CCP in China along with TikTok.

    Keep it real y’all!

  6. 遊びたい is literally the phrase used when you want to engage a sex worker so yeah it means they want to bang.

  7. Asobu/asobitai is literally “play around” when used with anyone outside your usual circle.

    Imagine asking your friend to come watch Netflix. Now imagine asking someone you barely know…

    来週何かしましょう! would be better.

  8. I think you could’ve just asked right?

    どういう風に遊びたい? うちの家でピザを食べる? それとも観覧車を乗る?

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