Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (February 03, 2023)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Hi, I was having trouble with this passage from the script from Final Fantasy IV and could use a hint.

    For context, here is the script: [link](http://ff4com.s4.xrea.com/ff4conve/conve005.html)

    > なんということだ・・・・ だが態勢を立て直し、守りを堅めんといかん! 私のことは心配要らん。そなたらも、取り敢えず休むがよい。

    Here’s my attempt:

    なんということだ what a thing to say/what are you talking about

    だが態勢を立て直し however to regain our (readiness?) composure/readiness

    **守りを堅めんといかん** (I need help with this part, 守り is easy enough but what even is 堅めんといかん???)

    私のことは心配要らん don’t worry about me

    そなたらも、取り敢えず休むがよい。 you too, for starters get some rest

  2. I just started learning Japanese about a week ago and just wanted to ask how everyone’s experience was writing in Kana for the first time? Some characters feel natural for me to write and others feel super awkward lol

  3. Any advice on how to handle coming back to Anki after a long break?

    I fell off the wagon for almost a year (not having gotten very far in the first place, tbh), I feel like my vocab retention is essentially zero for all but literally the most simple of words. I was about 300 words into [this](https://anacreondjt.gitlab.io/docs/coredeck/) deck but trying to come back to it is like running into a brick wall, the ease factors seem way off. Once I’ve looped through all my reviews for the day (and basically gotten them all wrong on the first pass) I can get through the session okay, but if I see those same cards again a few days later I’m back to drawing blanks. And it seems it can take a few reps of this cycle to convince Anki that I’ve actually forgotten that card entirely.

    All this to say, if I’m trying to crash course my way back onto a good path should I just reset the whole deck’s ease factors and start over? Or is there a better way to recover from this?

    Second, somewhat related question: I’m a few weeks into Wanikani at this point and liking it waaay more than I ever have liked doing that Anki deck I linked above. Learning radicals actually is really helping me break down kanji into more logical bits that I can work with as opposed to just memorizing them on raw visuals alone. The fact they provide mnemonics is great too, I’m awful at coming up with my own. Is it worth it to try to keep up with both Wanikani and that Anki deck? I’m hoping to bulk up my vocab because I have almost none, but I’m not sure if they’re totally redundant efforts.

    Is there anything you’d recommend that would be a good supplement to Wanikani in terms of vocab?

  4. When asked a question that has a single word answer, how would I respond?

    Talking about “What city are you staying in?”, “Hot or cold?” etc.

    Could I say 東京です and ホットです, or how could I naturally respond to these?

  5. 開ける [あける] can be also written as 空ける and 明ける; together with 開ける, that’s three written form.

    how common are the other forms of ‘あける’?

    when do the less common ones usually occur?

  6. explain the difference between ちょっと待って and ちょっと 待った please. Please explain it to me like I’m 5!

  7. Sorry for the long post. Some language questions about this tweet I just came across…


    First question is about the first quote 「もう年齢的に辞めても可能性ない」My guess would be for it to mean sth along the lines of “it is impossible to quit at (already) your age”? (maybe) but what is the exact purpose of 的 here? What would chane if it was just 年齢?
    Also I don’t really grasp ても in this case. Is it like a “even if” meaning here?

    Second question is about the 「大手事務所を辞めたらもう出れない」quote. I don’t really get what 出れない is meaning here. “If you quit a major office you can’t go out anymore”? doesn’t make sense to me in English (could be lack of English knowledge too though lol).

  8. anyone here can recommend me something better than wanikani for kanji? I am still a beginner and I got through about 400 card but I feel it’s not that good and the mnemonics are too long for me.. is there something with shorter stories / mnemonic and good pictures?

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