Starting out learning utilizing Genki Vol. 3 book and workbook. Currently lost working through lesson 1 in the workbook

Hello everyone! I am currently trying to learn the language and have hit a rough roadblock already. I went through lesson 1 of the book. I decided I would try to work through the workbook for practice.

The first practice is “What are these people saying? Write in Japanese the appropriate expression for each situation” It has some pictures and seemed very vague so I skipped past this.

The next section was counting and was a bit tough because I didn’t understand what to do past 10, after looking stuff up online, it seems you just put the individual numbers together. I got to one where the answer is 164 (found online), but I have no idea where the symbol came from or
ひゃく(???) ろく(6) じゅう(10) よん (4)

My big concern is that I feel like I am already off to a terrible start and completely lost. Am I missing something or approaching this incorrectly? Any point in the right direction would be great. Thanks a ton!

  1. I’m also learning Japanese as well and improving on my kanji a little bit. If counting is what bothers you, then a way I learn how to count is to count lines when writing them down. Numbers between 1 through 10 are one word. I bet you probably know this already but I will reiterate it once, When you count number from 11 to 99, take the kanji character one for example in front of a ten and add another single number behind. Think of it like counting roman numerals. From your answer, The hundred is an individual character as well. Like thousand, ten thousand and so on. Search online for the meaning behind the individual kanji character and understand why they are written that way. I also think you can get better at counting by doing a practice problem to count money (yen). There is a youtuber that make a video for counting money in a lesson. Here is the link: [](

  2. I would go back through the lesson again. Are you sure you went through the entire lesson? It should have gone over numbers and doesn’t rely on you googling answers. Start at the beginning/intro, learn the hiragana and katakana. Work your way through the lesson slowly and do the practice work in the text along the way then do the workbook after you have gone through it again

  3. Whilst this doesn’t directly answer your question, the TokiniAndy videos on YouTube seem to be pretty popular for people who are self-studying with Genki. May be helpful for understanding the lesson content.

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