[PSA] Playstation 5s now seem to much more readily available in Japan

Just a shout out to anyone still looking to buy a PS5 at RRP.

Following on from a thread saying that you no longer need a Yodobashi card to buy one


I decided to keep checking back on the big electronic retailers’ websites (Bic Camera, Yodobashi, Yamada Denki, Joshin).

From my casual browsing over the last few days, I’ve seen the **PS5 come in stock every day** at **Bic Camera** and **Yodobashi**. No luck with Joshin or Yamada Denki, however.

It was in stock on the Bic Camera website the other day for literally a few hours.

Maybe it’s just because I hadn’t been checking until now but yeah it seems to be much more readily available now.

In contrast, Amazon is still doing the invitation thing (presumably because they don’t want people using Amazon as a resale platform, fair enough) so anyone looking to get one should consider readying an account on the Yodobashi and Bic Camera websites and checking daily because you’re highly likely to find one.

This all lines up nicely with recent resale/used pricing on Mercari, which seems to be stuck at around 65,000-70,000 for the disc PS5 (and thus scalpers (after deducting fees and shipping) are barely making a profit and have probably given up).

***Anyway, down with the scalpers and happy gaming fellow japanlife folks!***

  1. I noticed a digital edition at a Book-Off a week or two ago. I did a double take because I had never seen a real unit in person before.

  2. I’ve had one since day 1 and still don’t feel like the purchase has been justified yet. I’ve probably spent 100 hours total playing PS5-only games over 2 years, whereas my switch has seen 7-800 hours per year. I say if you have a PS4 and love it, continue to wait.

  3. I saw the thread as well. And checked on yodobashii and it was there indeed. But i was on office hour and thinking I’ll order later once I arrive at home… Boy was I wrong 😅 it got sold out already when I arrived at home.

    Should’ve bought it right away lol

  4. Neighborhood Bic Camera had them in stock at year end – digital and disc versions. Went to buy some furniture, walked out with a PS5.

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