(serious) Is Shirako 白子 good?

It’s kind of everywhere on sushi places. I am very sceptical of it but I know they wouldn’t be selling it if it tastes bad.

Still, is it that good to warant even trying it out?

  1. Well, anything is worth the try. I don’t personally like it too much but people have different tastes

  2. If you don’t like the slimey type stuff, you probably won’t like it but always worth trying once. Won’t kill you.

  3. Try shirako tempura. I loved it until i knew what it actually was and couldn’t eat it anymore.

  4. Just try it! I personally love it.

    Everything is worth a try no matter what it is. Who cares if it’s jizz. It’s the same with うに which is also pretty freakin amazing.

  5. I hate the texture (just looking at it gives me the heeby jeebies, nevermind putting it in my mouth) but the taste is mild and palatable.

  6. I liked it tempura fried. Although I guess at this point I’ll try anything if it’s tempura

  7. I’m going to use the same phrase I’ve always used with my exes: you should try everything at least once. Never worked.

  8. Its delicious, I dont care that its fish sperm. Similar to other things like we eat in europe that you would never see on a menu in japan, like lamb brain (especially from a roasted full lamb, my top 3 dish).

  9. It’s pretty good. I don’t often get it at sushi joints though – more an izakaya dish for me

    [Milt or “soft roe”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milt) is not unknown as food outside of Japan. That Wikipedia page lists it used in Russian, British, Romanian, and Sicilian cuisine.

  10. If i could be honest, I’ve never put anything worse in my mouth and i’ve put some questionable things in there.

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