Money transfers from outside Japan

Hi there! I’ve been browsing through some of the other posts on this topic but can’t quite find what I’m looking for…

I’m trying to transfer money from an overseas account to a SMBC account (or I guess Prestia would be the right name) and I just received a notification from JP Morgan stating that the transaction couldn’t be completed. They returned my money (minus a fee obviously) and that was that.

Has anyone had this happen before? Browsing through some older posts it seems people have been doing this with no issues, so am I doing something wrong?

Appreciate any help I can get, thank you!

  1. You might have to check with Prestia if your account allows for international money transfers. IIRC when I opened my account with them, they actually made two accounts for me — one in yen and an “international” one that they said allowed international money transfers. I don’t know if the yen account doesn’t allow international transfers.

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