Recommendations for a VERY beginner manga!

I’ve been trying to make my way through Yotsuba and my vocab is still too weak to understand much. Does anyone have any recommendations for some fun manga that are a little simpler?



  1. Your vocab won’t be sufficient to read stuff without having to do lookups for a very long time. At this level, if you wanna engage with native media, you’ve gotta embrace the struggle.

  2. There’s a series called Crystal Hunters that has easy versions designed for beginners. Despite the simple vocab and premise, it manages to pull off some solid story beats! Highly recommend!

  3. 小さな森のオオカミちゃん and ハピネス are good choices. I found them both easier that よつばと.

  4. Oof, you might be in over your head right now. I don’t know your background, but if you really can’t read it you may want to study more first. It’s hard to grasp where your skill gap is though with this little info.

  5. There are some projects that use manga as graded readers and or a reading resource with translations specifically for learners. The two most succeful projects are Crystal Hunters that was already mentioned and these [four short manga by the Japan Foundation]( They were written to introduce stereotypical situations in the four manga genres romance, samurai, ninja and school. All manga are also voiced and have translations, which makes them an amazing reading resource.

    If you are looking for manga as a simple reading resource because it has many pictures to help with comprehension and mostly dialogue as text, you might also want to look at graded readers for your level if you haven’t already, e.g. on [](

  6. I just made a post about this but the only answer is Crystal Hunters []( first volume is free to view via browser on their website. There is a companion guide to each volume and the rest of the volumes are on the kindle unlimited library. There are 6 so far that are about 100 pages each and more to come.

    I have only read the first 4 chapters of genki and found this to be completely at my level

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