Japan’s main opposition CDP aims to reduce sexual harassment by banning Japan-made porn completely

Japan’s main opposition CDP aims to reduce sexual harassment by banning Japan-made porn completely


  1. …..*WHAT?* LIKE. WHAT? How the fuck does sexual harassment or it’s prevalence have anything to do with porn, locally made or not? *What?*

  2. In other news, CDP also aims to remove the hanko from being used. /s

    <about as bloody likely>

  3. Oh….so this is why the LDP keeps winning…the opposition are dumb as fuck…lol

  4. Behind the scenes are Japanese feminists. The opposition parties have low support because they only pick up the voices of a few minorities.

  5. Wouldn’t this just make foreign porn more popular leading to bolstering foreign fetishes over Japan/Japan relationships? Either way this sounds ridiculous, but iunno

  6. Yes, take away even more forms of sexual release that people can get inside their own homes. I’m sure this will 100% not lead to people trying to find it elsewhere….

  7. Lol great way to alienate all the male voters and every AV female actress voter

  8. I heard that compare with other Asian countries Japan has the lowest rate of rape crime because of their easy access to porn and now their banning them? Hmm better to put your ideas and money more to birthrate decline issues/salary-not-going up issues

  9. I can see this being a prohibition type situation

    The law has some decent points but nobody is gonna follow it

  10. Ah fuck, been so long since i last cracked up so hard like this.

    And people wonder why LDP never gets out…

  11. “”I have heard that,” he said, “in this case, there is a risk of pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, depression and PTSD.””

    Objection: Hearsay

    Lets ask some AV people about the conditions they speak of.

  12. The twist in Japanese politics, CDP and others are really branches of LDP. They’re needed to keep people being happy electing the LDPs.

  13. On one hand the government recommends *kabedon*, on the other hand the opposition wants to ban porn.

    Isn’t anyone able to think straight in the Japanese political class? Jesus.

  14. Madness.

    The finance minister will arrange for the deputy vice minister for policy planning and coordination to give whichever jackasses came up with that idea such a vicious beating, they won’t be able to walk properly for at least eight (8) weeks.

    The loss of tax revenue alone would be unthinkable.

  15. Illiberal authoritarianism as the solution to sexual harassment issues, based on an evidence-free chain of reasoning (porn causes harassing behavior, similar to video games causing real world violence) is embarrassing fare for a “liberal” party….

  16. Actually, the treatment of sex work in Japan is very good.
    There are a crazy number of foreigners from China, Korea, and other Asian countries who come to Japan to work in the sex industry.
    It is very rare for Japanese to work sex work in other countries.
    That is because they are treated very well in Japan.

  17. Yes we all know how Korea doesn’t have a sexual harassment problem as bad but actually literally worse than Japan!

    All porn production is highly illegal in Korea. They all just watch Japanese porn there, with the occasional US porn when bored of it.

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