No Bachelor’s Degree but have a Master’s

I am looking to apply for the JET programme, however I only have a Master’s Degree and not a Bachelor’s Degree. I was able to be accepted and attained my Master’s degree a year ago due to many years of work experience in my previous industry. Would I be qualified for the application just because I only have a Master’s? Was just wondering if anyone else has been in a similar situation?

  1. I would say yeah. Bachelors is under masters and bachelors is the minimum requirement; not the only accepted level of education you need. I think u should be okay but you can check with ur embassy/consulate to be sure.

  2. Not trying to be snarky, I promise.

    Why would you seek an entry level job when you are well past entry level skills?

  3. I was the same. Did an integrated masters, no bacherlors.

    Bachelors is a minimum requirement for a visa, that is all. Masters is also accepted (with proof of).

    I was accepted no issue.

  4. Unless there is some anal retentiveness somewhere in the JET program, you *should* be fine as long as the Masters degree is from an accredited school that also awards bachelors degrees. A master’s degree is evidence that you posess the pre-requisite bachelors experience. You might need a letter from your school stating that it admitted you without a BS/BA because your experience met the BS/BA qualifitions to get you in the masters program.

  5. Whilst I didn’t do JET I did work in Japan and the only reason a degree is necessary is because it’s required for the visa. If you have a masters you are above the minimum requirement. I have an integrated masters so I don’t have a bachelors and it was the first time I didn’t have to explain why I didn’t have a bachelors whilst applying for the job (unlike trying to apply for graduate programmes in the UK)

  6. Yes it’s fine. You need a Bachelors or higher because that’s what the JP gov requirements for visa sponsorship. This isn’t just for JET, it’s for all work visas (excluding entertainment visa and WHV).

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