Best beginner manga/book to get for immersion/practicing context reading?

I’m just starting out, wondering if there’s any good beginner books to buy to practice for low level context and such, or if it’s doenst exactly matter what one i get. any help is greatly appreciated!

  1. [Here]( are my **personal** recommendations. I think the best for you is going to be something you really want to read, since stuff that is engaging will keep you reading for longer even if it’s a bit harder (of course there’s a limit). My personal absolute favorite as starter manga which is relatively simple, uses a lot of everyday phrasing/somewhat realistic Japanese, and also is incredibly cute/interesting is the manga [ルリドラゴン]( It has replaced Yotsuba as my number 1 recommendation.

    Anyway, just try a few things and see what clicks with you personally. There’s a lot of free and/or easily accessible (legally) manga online, so it’s good to try things and experiment.

  2. There’s a manga called Chi’s Sweet Home. I have them in Japanese and think it would probably be pretty easy for a beginner, plus it’s about a cute cat.

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