Accepting Interac but holding out for JET?

Hi everyone.

So recently I was offered a position with Interac. I’ve also applied for JET, and considering that people generally seem to have a better experience with that program, it’s my preference. However, I won’t hear a final answer from JET until March, and obviously I can’t postpone my response to Interac for three months. The Interac offer has me leaving in April of 2023, so I’d be cutting in close if I told them I’m no longer interested in March. Does anyone know if it is possible to accept a position with Interac, continue with the interview process for JET, and then drop out of Interac for JET if I am offered a position there? Is it going to screw up my visa?

  1. It very possibly may. If the system flags you for two CoE or two visa applications simultaneously, it’s very possible someone at immigration is going to get suspicious and assume there’s something fishy going on.

    I’d also point out that accepting an offer and dropping it last minute is incredibly unprofessional behavior and causes problems for everyone, including your fellow/future ALTs. Yes, I’m aware that some companies do similar things, that doesn’t make it okay.

  2. Don’t feel bad throwing Interac to the wolves. The souls of 10,000 wronged ET’s will rise up sing your praises. Take the Interac job and if the JET comes through, kick them to the kerb and walk.

  3. Do it. Interac isn’t going to do any of your important paperwork til the last minute anyhow. Pretty sure you need your background check with JET right before the interview as well so you can bring a copy of the same one you sent to Interac

  4. JET would be expecting to get you a visa anyway, so even if Interac cancels yours with them, I’d think it would all work out.

  5. Outcome 1: JET accepts you, I would just “leave”Interac. I put it in quotes because you aren’t confined to them and don’t owe them anything.
    Outcome 2: Jet denies you, I would stay with Interac and come to Japan. After a few months of getting used to your surroundings and life in Japan I’d start looking for something better (which is almost anything else)

  6. I did the same thing. You can absolutely postpone for 3months. Said that there was a general “family situation” but I was very keen, could I possibly postpone my intake until the September one?

    Got JET, “Sorry, the family situation hasn’t been resolved, I won’t be able to continue with Interact, thank you for your patience, all the best with finding a suitable candidate yadda yadda yadda.”

    They have already accepted you, so you are a known quantity. It costs them nothing to keep you on a list for 6mths as someone already vetted vs the effort of starting from scratch with an unknown.

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