Looking to Launch a Business in Japan A Few Questions – Advice Greatly Appreciated

Hello, I read through a handful of the posts and I feel like I may be coming from a specialized/unorthodox situation to the normal here, but maybe some people could help as it is a big community.

I am 28 and have a fledgling engineering firm that focuses in automotive engineering, mostly specializing in race cars and high performance vehicles. I am also a racing driver, although not on the world stage like Formula 1, just doing a little GT car racing. I am looking to move to Japan, I have an arbitrary time frame however its ambitious and unlikely to happen. I would like to move my firm over to Japan, I have pretty comfortably decided on Gotemba/Oyama as it is close to Tokyo for trade, but would allow me to set up shop with close proximity to Fuji Speedway although I have not ruled out Suzuka as a location either. Being close to the tracks would help with both the engineering side but I also have my eyes set on racing in Super Formula, so I want to stay close to and be a part of the racing community there.

I know my most likely path would be Business Manger visa which I would have no problem with the capital part of, however some aspects concern me such as the renewal requirement of ¥10 million in sales. The nature of firms like mine are slow grow, it will take lots of money and many years to start seeing any form of significant sales. I also would like to keep the company as a US company with this being a Japanese branch for legal reason. I have no college degree to fall on for skilled labor, I left college as I saw no point in it but I may be able to go back to school and quickly get my CS degree. I may just be able to test out of the classes at this point, so I may do it, but its time I’d rather not spend if I can avoid it.

There are some things that I would love to know more about/hear firsthand experience from

1. I know I can buy or rent although I would like to buy a shop, however I currently live in my shop right now, my office is my bedroom, dining room and living room. I had read that one of the requirements is to have on office separate of the residential address. I can see this being to prevent someone from just turning their apartment into an office, but what about living in a shop. A startup needs money and I don’t care about fancy living, I care about succeeding, so I will live in the most bare bones conditions necessary to ensure no money is spent that could be used in the company. Is it something I could get away with? Would they be ok with it if I had a proper business space and just no separate residence? I know Japanese zoning allows for living in a shop, but I know they can be strict with expats.
2. Would there be any options for moving there that one could think of based off what I have said? Business fail and succeed, I am more interested in moving to Japan, I know I may fall flat in the engineering side. I do have plans to also open an animation studio as another form of cash flow after the firm is finally in a good position, but it could also become the backup option if need be. I can’t move on any skilled labor visa with no college degree, the closest I have to a “skilled” position on my resume is when I worked as the Lead Autotech at Best Buy doing car electronics. Past that work, I have a background in sales and real estate. I would be ok with doing real estate there, but could I get a visa for that?
3. Anything you feel I missed or that would just be good advice is appreciated, there is a lot to becoming an expat and I would love to give myself the best route to success.

Note I am what is called a “Third Culture Kid”, if you are unfamiliar with the term, look it up. The short of it however is moving to a new country different of my own comes as no problem to me, no part of the cultural experience will be an issue for me, I have been an expat in different countries before.

1 comment
  1. The requirements and options will vary quite a bit based on how the Japanese entity is related to the US entity. So you’ll want to figure that out first.

    Have a look here: https://www.jetro.go.jp/en/invest/setting_up/ and consider reaching out to Japan based legal counsel.

    Does your business have any existing relationships with customers or suppliers?

    Is your Japanese strong enough to run your business in a purely Japanese environment?

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