What are some things you wish you bought in your home country, because the Japanese versions just doesn’t hit the same?

No you aren’t seeing double I’m from the JET reddit, I wanted to broaden my responses lol.

I’m thinking about finally jumping on the band wagon and buying a Nintendo Switch Lite before I move. But from my understanding they work like Netflix ,so if I get the Japanese version in Japan it might not have the same feature in the US version. This is just an example but what are some things you got or wish you had gotten in your home country because the Japanese version just isn’t the same? OR what is something you got in Japan and found to be way better than your home country’s version?

  1. >No you aren’t seeing double I’m from the JET reddit, I wanted to broaden my responses lol.

    Posting the same thing across multiple subreddits has a name: Spam. It’s not a good look.

  2. I wonder if you aren’t some kind of research account for a content mill website like buzzfeed. You’ve posted dozens of questions about a wide variety of topics all over Reddit.

  3. I lurk in this sub all the time and it’s laughable I thought I’d get anywhere. Yall are infamous for being sad, hating people. Deskwarming has really gotten to ya!

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