Best list or resource for learning hiragana adverbs?

I notice that some of the adverbs that are most written in hiragana are difficult for me to remember.

For example, こっそり、たっぷり、しっかり、へたへた、ポタポタ、なかなか、たまたま、どんどん、ピカピカ, etc.

Some of them are onomatopoeias, and others even have kanji forms. But all of them are super common.

Since they are often written in hiragana I find it difficult to guess their meaning. There seems to be hundreds of them. But I can’t find good resources that focus on them. Are there any anki decks, online flashcards, or quizzes that test the majority of the common ones? Thanks!

  1. How much vocabulary study have you done so far and how do you go about it? I’m pretty early in mine (about 1k words so far with I don’t know how many conjugations).

    I’ve found that words written in kana only show up frequently in most vocabulary study decks, which have example expressions (such as <;). All I really had to do was change the card template from having the word being on the front to the expression (audio only for listening practice). This also follows advice I’ve been given to study words in-context, even if that’s harder at first with a limited vocabulary.

    So far, I feel like the frequency I’m learning the words matches the natural frequency in which they occur in the wild, and so studying kana only words specifically doesn’t seem like it’d be helpful in overall comprehension. After all, if a word is 4x more frequent than another, it makes little sense focusing on the other regardless of how it’s written.

    For onomatopoeia, I personally haven’t had an issue retaining them by looking them up in-context when I’m watching or reading (something I’ve started to do recently very slowly). I found they stick really well, probably because the situation in which they are used is memorable. Unfortunately, I don’t know how to study them specifically if that is a problem for you.

    I hope this helps!

  2. Try the book A Practical Guide to Mimetic Expressions Through Pictures. It should help you make your own Anki deck.

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