Japanese quotes and sayings

I’m looking for japanese quotes and sayings that have japanese history and origin. Does anyone have some good sources to learn from?

Thanks in advance

  1. Honestly, mate, this is going to end in tears.

    Why do you need to get something in Japanese, a language I’m guessing you don’t personally understand? Why not in English?

    Seriously consider the answer to that question. Is there an actual reason that makes sense? Or is it just because kanji is strange and exotic and oriental, and therefore cool solely because you don’t understand it?

  2. Hello there!
    I’m assuming this is for a tattoo, I am a tattoo artist in Tokyo.
    The most common Japanese Kotowaza (sayings) That I reccomend to clients that want a cool saying are;

    馬鹿害人- The beauty of nature transends the earthly realm of men
    宫保鸡丁- Literally; All animals have their place upon this green earth, we must not desecrate the yin yang of this holy relationship.

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