Are affiliated companies that provide visas for artists who make above $3k online (Patrenon/Fanbox/…) a thing? Or is it a scam?

\*Title edit: I mean “you can get a work visa by affiliating with some individual companies”, not the companies will provide visa.

Hello everyone!

I’m an independent artist who makes around 4k$ through platforms like Patreon and Fanbox. (I graduated from a technical university and passed JLPT N2. though)

Recently, I heard from an online friend who’s in a similar situation to mine that he’s able to live in Japan by being affiliated with some individual companies.

According to him such associations and companies specialize in acting as agents, representing foreign painters, and taking a percentage of their income (around 10-15%) in exchange. They require you to have some savings and proof of earning over 3k$ a month.

He said ” Such institutions are legal companies and associations, and they have certificates. The normal process is to take you as their employee, but only in the capacity of an employee. In reality, you just need to live on your own once you come to Japan and make money by painting yourself. ”

This sounds too good to be true, so I’m not sure if it’s a scam or if it’s real. I don’t think my friend trying to scam me because I’m the one who accidentally found out about this and was digging for more information. Has anyone heard of something like this? It doesn’t seem to be the same as the “artist visa” I read in the wiki.

Thank you!

  1. It sounds like you’re describing an Employer of Record service (also called a Global Employment Outsourcing firm).

    Basically, its a company you pay to be your employer. They’d then take care of all the things that an employer would normally take care (pension payments, health insurance, sponsoring your status of residence, etc).

    Yes, they exist; Whether or not they could sponsor you for a status of residence without a contract that has a specific salary would be debatable. If your friend is already using such a scheme I suppose I’d ask them for some contact details and then I’d google the shit out of them.

  2. What is the name of this company?

    If they are completely legal, then they will already be known by immigration, and have no problem whatsoever laying out how this all works on their public website.

    If they’re balls deep in immigration fraud, then they’ll probably be reluctant to publish what they’re doing.

  3. Why ask here sounds like you already know?

    In reality trying to pull one over on immigration does not work. Seems like everyone in this sub latley wants to try and bend the rules. Enjoy getting scammed.

    That type of company is usually for people who have work that pertains to Japan AKA Japanese clients and need a visa to do business with them.

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