Indentification from 1963 movie

I’ve been asked to paint a large painting (48″x60″) of a banner seen in the background of a 1963 Japanese movie (13 Assassins). The banner is never fully shown so I have two missing parts to fill in. The man asking for the banner is 91 years old and was born in Japan, but is nearly blind and can’t help much. HIs great great niece has tried to fill in the missing area (light blue on right), but I she had very little confidence it’s correct. Nor did she help with the **missing character** behind Shimada Shinzaemons head. Thanks in advance (I did try many, many google searches first, including for family name and Edo period banners). Any help with just identifying what type of banner this is would help too, its in the personal residence of a retainer. [](

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