‘Sushi Terrorism’ is the Viral Trend Horrifying Diners

‘Sushi Terrorism’ is the Viral Trend Horrifying Diners


  1. If I was the inquisitorial judge, I would definitely be reaching for the black cloth.

    Especially if I’d had dinner with the prosecutor at this place the day before.

    Disclaimer: I don’t always agree with capital punishment.

  2. Ban tiktok seriously. It has exacerbated this mental delirium of wannabe influencers to unacceptable levels.

  3. Wow I saw on the news on Monday of a kid that got caught doing this! Insane. Hope he or his parents get consequences.

  4. It was better when Tom Green put a dildo and a walky talky on the conveyor belt, and said “I’m a dildo” through the walky talky as it passed by customers.

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