Young people hit more by inflation, “excess” savings no savior: gov’t

Young people hit more by inflation, “excess” savings no savior: gov’t

1 comment
  1. > “Extra savings have been increasing, albeit at a slower pace than before. Even in the current phase of rising prices, it cannot be observed that (people) have been dipping into their savings,” the document said. “Therefore, any boost to consumption is not clear at this point.”

    Do younger people even have savings?

    And if they do, then wouldn’t it be obvious that they’re being sensible in not wasting their savings on shit that they don’t need when they’re more than likely getting paid bugger all, are unlikely to ever get a raise, and may not have a job next month?

    Shit, their savings are worth even less now than last year, even with the effectively 0% interest earned.

    I’m starting to suspect that the Old Boys don’t really understand how regular jackoffs live.

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