Study motivation

Usually while studying, I have to have motivation. I found two YouTube channels that are amazing for me, but one person hasn’t posted for months and the other one for weeks. Recently Ive gotten tired of just watching the same old videos over and over again. The channels are Jazmine Layah and Life of Mori. How do y’all find motivation?

  1. There are tons of native materials I want to consume which I don’t particularly want to consume as translations done by other people, so making doing all of that easier by studying motivates me.

  2. > How do y’all find motivation?

    I don’t. I just focus on the things that I enjoy doing at the time of whenever I feel like doing them, like my hobbies, etc. I just make sure to do them in Japanese. I don’t need someone to motivate me to spend time in my hobbies, because they are my hobbies and I enjoy doing them at my own pace whenever I feel like it.

  3. Everyone needs to find motivation to be able to study something voluntarily (not in school), specially when they could just be doing something else.

    My motivation is to spend 80% of my japanese daily learning time doing something I consider fun. Playing games, watching animes or JDramas, reading manga or light novels, etc….time goes by much faster and learning becomes more effortless when you are having fun.

  4. Motivation comes and goes there are plenty of meme’s out there about motivation vs discipline, if learning Japanese is your end goal set yourself a bear minimum stuff you need to do and just do that, don’t skip on it, just get it over and done with.

    For me that’s getting my anki reviews + new cards done. That’s my bare minimum. Even if it takes you a while to get motivated you’re still moving towards your goal.

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