Best destinations in mid-late March?

I live here and speak fluent Japanese.

I have 3 days of vacation I have to take before 4/1, so I want to get some friends together and do a multi-day trip (I could take up to 5 days off if necessary). Hiking/nature, onsen, and food are on the top of my agenda. May not be able to drive – if necessary, would have to find an acquaintance to go on the trip and drive for us lol. I’m working on getting my license here, hopefully that’ll happen in the next few months. As for budget, I’m flexible.

March is an odd time, it’s kind of in between winter and full-on spring, so I’m not too sure what to do. Not particularly interested in snowsports, so Hokkaido is a bit early. Currently I’ve got these ideas:

1. I feel like Tohoku could be good as it’ll still be chilly, and the onsen will be nice. Not sure though, if anyone has experience please let me know. The lack of car could also be an issue.. If we do go, it would be Bandai-Asahi national park/Fukushima, probably.
2. Shimanami-kaido + Naoshima detour and/or Shikoku generally
3. Tottori/Shimane coastline, Daisen-Oki national park

I’ve been to the following destinations already: Tokyo, Okutama, Yamanashi, Nikko, Chubu-sangaku/Nagano,Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe, Wakayama, Fukuoka, Kumamoto, Kagoshima, Kusatsu Onsen, Kanazawa, Hiroshima. Basically what’s missing are the options I wrote above and maybe Gifu/Toyama. Not really crazy about Okinawa since I’m not into beaches, but there’s probably other cool stuff there.

Any help/tips greatly appreciated! Thanks

PS – My Covid risk tolerance is basically anything’s fine. We’ll avoid going out at night if necessary I guess

  1. Ugh. Are you coming from somewhere in Asia? If not, why bother with Japan on “up to” a 5 day visit?

    Seriously, wait until next year when you can make a real vacation of it.

  2. > PS – My Covid risk tolerance is basically anything’s fine. We’ll avoid going out at night if necessary I guess

    Covid doesn’t sleep during the day and do it’s thing at night contrary to what the Japanese government wants you to think by targeting bars and restaurants to close early.

    Honestly for a trip like this it should be kept to individual households and not groups of friends due to the intimate nature of it all unless you all plan to sleep in separate rooms and wear your masks at all times including in the car on long drives.

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