Minister hopes students will be allowed to attend graduation ceremonies without masks

Minister hopes students will be allowed to attend graduation ceremonies without masks

  1. Minister needs to stop endangering himself by attempting to think.

    Japan has done so well with Covid despite the best efforts of quite a few idiot politicians. These idiots need to bugger off into the corner and play footise with their unification church buddies and stop endangering one of the few successes they have despite their best efforts.

  2. I got no booster jabs, I wore a mask and still do. I am pretty careful and I still got covid last October. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. 2.5 days of high fever. Then nothing really. Cannot wait to throw away the masks.

  3. Great, I like the comment that “ those who continue to wear masks should be respected “ . Wearing masks should be the exception , not the norm. This is the way it was pre Covid and the way forward.

  4. Masking has become the norm now, and your average Japanese fears going against the norm. So masking is here to stay sadly.

  5. “Later in the day, however, the minister also told reporters that the government of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida is “yet to decide” on the issue “at this point”, but will swiftly start discussions.”

    I shook my head when I read this. Of course Kishida and his gang of dotards haven’t decided. It would involve consideration for the feelings of young people, and as the majority of these men have one foot in the grave its absurd to assume they would be able to. A whole generation of kids is being damaged, and that’s what I find most upsetting. And they wonder why Japan is in rapid decline.

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