Lol. Just what Japan-Korea relations have been missing, their leaders watching a baseball game in each other’s company.
As Japan loses economic power, its privileges are lost and pressure is increasing to apologize for its war crimes.
South Korea’s conservative government is pro-Japan. In fact, they have long been good friends with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party.
Cool story .. pls fix economy now?
well that’s a step towards First Base of this relationship
This is a vulgar performance that forcibly promotes the achievement that the two countries have become friends even though nothing has been resolved in the Japan-Korea problem.
West Japan woman accused of attempting to kill drunk neighbor who rang wrong doorbell – The Mainichi
Diet enacts record 107.60 tril. yen budget for FY 2022
Lol. Just what Japan-Korea relations have been missing, their leaders watching a baseball game in each other’s company.
As Japan loses economic power, its privileges are lost and pressure is increasing to apologize for its war crimes.
South Korea’s conservative government is pro-Japan. In fact, they have long been good friends with Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party.
Cool story .. pls fix economy now?
well that’s a step towards First Base of this relationship
This is a vulgar performance that forcibly promotes the achievement that the two countries have become friends even though nothing has been resolved in the Japan-Korea problem.