Help auto-creating Anki cards from word list

I’ve been watching Fullmetal Alchemist recently to work on my listening, but I quickly went from no subtitles to Japanese subtitles, because there were too many unknown words for me to keep up the pace. It’s much easier, and I’m adding any unknown words to Anki via Yomichan.

However, I soon realized that I was reading rather than listening, so to go no sub once again, I downloaded from JPDB the vocab list for the entire show, in chronological order. I’d like to be able to go through the words in Anki, and then watch the episode, confident that I at least vaguely know the meaning of every single word.

But as it turns out, going over my 8k or so word list and adding every unknown one to Anki would be quite a slog, so I was wondering if there was a way I could just throw the whole thing into Yomichan or some other app and have it generate cards, complete with readings and dictionnary definitions, automatically.

  1. You can just review them in JPDB! That way you can also find other things that have similar vocabulary to the ones you learned (since decks all share progress on vocab).

  2. Is it a tab or semicolon (or something) separated text file with one item per line? Then you can just delete all the words you know and import the rest into Anki (the import dialog should allow you to select tab separated fields as the file type), using a card type that matches the fields in the list.

  3. The most messy way would be learning how to use autohotkey and making a script that uses yomichan to add the words

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