[video] my first week learning Japanese results

I apologize beforehand if this kind of post is not allowed, though I did read the rules and I didnt see anything against it besides realizing that the link option is not available here (so that makes me uncertain).

It’s my intention to do one video like this every weekend in order to record my progress and motivates me in the future, in case I start to lack some. Hopefully this will motivate someone else as well.

Before planning my script, I really thought I hadn’t learn many things to be able to speak, but the final result made me proud of how far I went this week. I also made subtitles in Japanese using some of the Kanji I learnt.

Feel free to give me feedbacks and correct me if I said or wrote anything wrong. I would love to see other people’s video trying it out, I think it would be a good way of practing listening of basic words and structures. 🙂


  1. Very nice. I applaud your confidence. posts that show speaking skills are relatively rare here. I just hope that wasn’t your actual phone number you provided haha.

  2. You said 英語語 but 英語 itself means English. Btw when you introduce yourself like that you should just say name+です. 私の名前は is redundant and sounds bad IMHO (but don’t listen to me I’m a noob myself).

  3. Nice job. I love to see go getters just jumping in and doing it.youre gonna go far if you keep it up.

  4. This is after 1 week? That’s amazing. Well done!

    You should really end with またね rather than さようなら. When used by adults, さようなら sounds more like “farewell forever”.

  5. Very good job! I heard today that when speaking of your own mother, you should use はは instead of おかあさん. If that’s wrong, feel free to correct me.

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