30 day Japanese learning routine. Day 0

In this series of posts I’ll report my progress in immersion Japanese learning , to see my progress and show my experience. For the next month I’ll be using [TheMoeWay](https://learnjapanese.moe/routine/) plan.

This post is just announcement to get more motivation to start learning. I hope moderators won’t remove this post.

I’ll slightly correct that plan according to knowledge. I’m native Russian speaker, I *think* I’m good with English (I’m sorry for any mistake that i done here), i know some words, kanji and some simple grammar.

So, I’ll start posting my progress tomorrow around 2 PM UTC.

  1. Bro ..Japanese is a very complicated language, not only in the language itself but also in the time investment , motivation and concentration it requires.

    I encourage you not to take it seriously in the sense that it doesn’t become an obligation or a sort of mandatory homework.

    Japanese one of the most annoying learning experience as per the enormous time investment and long term motivation it requires.

    My wife is Japanese and after 7 years so far together , I still only speak/understand elementary level Japanese. We do not live in Japan. I tried everything but I get discouraged as I have very little free time to devote to Japanese.

    However I learned mandarin before meeting my wife and I learned it very fast and am fluent, took me a solid year only (lived in Chiba though) but never felt that frustration and that sense of sluggish progression that I feel when learning Japanese.

    Anyhow, good luck to you

  2. Great, I was also about to start following the guide tomorrow, maybe your posts will give me motivation.

  3. Good luck on your endeavor. Your English is very good, so I’m sure you will get this done.
    I’ve been trying to learn Japanese for a long time, and am really curious to see your progress here. So, please do post updates of your journey. Perhaps I’ll get motivated along the way as well.

  4. В английском маленькие помехи, да, но в основном нормально. Удачи!

  5. Yeah, this is isn’t a good guide at all.

    >Day 1: Read this huge wall of text that can easily be simplified, copy out this chart by hand and watch this 2 hour video. Practice doing kana on this website for 10 minutes and call it a day.

    Tae kims guide is too wordy, seems to me that the creator just couldn’t be bothered to write his own version, writing stuff by hand is a useless/time consuming skill, if it’s important to the learner its something that can be done later, writing only improves the ability to write – Unless at absolute beginner levels (yes, OP is a beginner but there are much better ways to practice), there is no point in watching the 2 hour video and to finish it off, only practice for 10 minutes . – This really reminds me of bad teachers at school.

    “What is the kana” can easily be simplified down to the bare important essentials so that it’s not a huge wall of text spanning 10+ pages, the rest of that can be skipped and just learn the kana via [https://realkana.com/hiragana/](https://realkana.com/hiragana/)


    >Day 2:
    >I want you to try immersing for the first time with the “subtitle tutor” method.

    The subtitle tutor method is where you watch an episode of an anime with English subtitles, then watch it again without subtitles. Then listen to it when doing other things (wireless earbuds makes this easier).
    >- 10 minutes of kana drilling.

    This is a waste of time at this level, ever listened to foreign music on repeat? You’re essentially just memorising the sounds here, eventually after 100’s of hours this does help you get better at listening as a whole, it’s still a drop in the ocean not to mention you’ve still not actually learned anything at this point. Listening to Rammstein on repeat will make you better at listening to those songs, not actually better at German as a whole. Same thing here.

    >Day 3:
    >Another 10 minutes of kana drilling
    >3 cure dolly videos
    >More immersion

    Day 3 and we’ve done 30 minutes of kana drilling by now. I wouldn’t say cure dollys video’s are beginner friendly, you can actually learn a good amount of Japanese before you need to start worrying about は vs が and zero pronouns. Outside of the choice in grammar, it’s just a repeat of day 2.

    >Speeding this up now
    >Day 4: Anki – Should have started day 1, could have even used a kana deck on anki to get familiar with anki
    >Day 5: Repeat of day 4
    >Day 6: Christ on a bike, that’s a wall of text. It’s fine for beginners to use english subtitles, translations etc, they point them in the correct direction 99% of the time, beginners are not at a level yet where they would be able to recognise their mistake never mind someone who’s essentially on day 1 of trying to read the language.
    >Day 8: RTK On the fence, strong arguments for an against this one.
    >Day 7,8,9,10 etc – Repeat the previous

    This isn’t a good guide at all, the guides goals will be accomplished better by pretty much anything else. The main guide goes into lengths talking about comprehensible input, this is at odds with that it recommends.

    You do you, but you can simplify that entire guide by:

    How to learn Japanese

    Step 1. Learn Hiragana and Katakana

    Step 2. Learn Words

    Step 3. Learn Grammar

    Step 4. Try and use level appropriate media

    Step 5. Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4.

    As long as you’re making progress in steps 2, 3 and 4, you’ll be fine.

    My guide is simply, learn the kana at a place like [www.realkana.com](https://www.realkana.com) and download anki and learn from a deck.

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