Advice on an upcoming trip. Any and all help appreciated

I’m a bit confused. If I buy the JRpass for next month (and cannot activate it until arrival next month), I can’t reserve seats in advance, right? I’m concerned because my itinerary is tight (4.5 days) and I don’t want to miss my flight out of Tokyo.

If I want to go from Tokyo to the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi Route (near Osaka), are the trains empty and frequent enough that I can arrive at 9PM (getting to train station around midnight I hope) and take a night train through Osaka and then catch the last leg in the morning? Or is there a chance that I won’t be able to get a reservation for the same day? Is there even a chance I won’t be able to get a reservation for early the next day?

Also, on the way back, I will only have 1-2 days. Is this possible or too much

Arrival Day: land at 9PM and try to get to Osaka overnight or leave 1st thing in morning
Day 1: Osaka (or Tokyo) to Kumano Kodo and late afternoon short hike if there’s time
Day 2: hike Kumano Kodo (just a short day hike stretch of it)

Then I have two options for Days 3 and 4

Day 3: I would like to stop in Mount Yoshino in Nara to see the cherry blossoms, then hit Kyoto for the afternoon. Can that be done in 1 day?

Day 4: Kyoto to Tokyo, stopping to do a day hike along the route from Kyoto to Tokyo (NAKASENDO WAY). Is it possible to hop off the train for a short 2 hour afternoon hike and still make it back to Tokyo from Kyoto? I’m not sure if the trains stop along the hiking trail.


Day 3: train to Nara for cherry blossoms then onward to Kawazu
Day 4: Hike the waterfalls at Kawazu

Day 5: Travel back to Tokyo by noon

Are either of these itineraries possible? Is it possible to get same day reservations? Or would I be better off with a rental car so I can get around a little faster/flexibly? I’ve hesitated on the rental due to toll road costs. I’d love any advice at all!!! Thank you

  1. The last shrinkansen from Tokyo Ststion to Osaka leaves at 9.24pm so a very early start from Tokyo the next day may be the way to go. I have read about a night bus from Tokyo and seen it on YouTube but am short on details.

    Edit: I may be confused as to what your asking. I took it that your landing in Tokyo Airport at 9pm. Apologies if I have misunderstood


    If you buy it online you can reserve online in advance

    The only night train is the Sunrise Seto which leaves at 22:00 from Tokyo station. The JR pass covers it but it’s very popular. Even if you land in Haneda airport on time you won’t be able to make it. Shinkansen trains covered by the pass are also not running anymore

    If you land in Narita definitely impossible.

    That said, why do you land in Tokyo anyways? Everything is centered around West Japan

  3. There are no night trains to Osaka. Flying to Osaka on the same day would be ideal. As an alternative option, you could take the shinkansen in the morning. If you leave Tokyo Station at 6 AM, you can arrive at Kii Tanabe around 11 AM. The bus from Kii Tanabe to the Kumano Kodo entry point takes about an hour.

  4. If you buy the JR pass from this website, you can use the online reservation function to reserve in advance.


    Currently I’m using []( and selecting JR pass to check the shinkansen timing in advance so the moment the 1 month window opens I will reserve and then collect the JR pass and tickets same time when I reach Japan, one less worry IMHO.

    Please note that not all JR pass sellers offer the online reservation option, so make sure you check carefully before you buy.

  5. Follow up question I went to Japan 3 or 4 years ago, I never made a reservation and never had any problem getting on a train, is this not a thing anymore?

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