Looking for a Rental Bed Service

Hello, and thank you for your time! 🙂

My folks are coming to visit for two weeks at the end of March and I am hoping to find a rental bed service. I’ve found rental futon, which is great, but it doesn’t help with my very specific goal of getting them elevated (dad has a spinal fusion).

I do have a queen-size foam mattress, but it is used just on the floor, no frame.

If anyone has any ideas or suggestions I’d be grateful for them.

Thank you in advance!

  1. When my parents came I let them use my bed and got a big air mattress for myself (similar to [this one](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0BFWLM317)). Not a rental, but doesn’t take much space deflated, so that’s one option to consider. Would 46cm be high enough for your dad (that’s how tall this one gets)?

  2. Not Sure which area are you or if the site supports ur area. But they have beds for rental minimum of 30days. Also not sure if the price is reasonable but my company is using it for my apartment now.


    Hope it helps! 🙂

  3. Do you have enough room to store a broken down frame? It may be cheaper to buy a bed base that fits your existing mattress than to try rent one, and just dismantle it once they’ve left.

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